Monday, July 25, 2011

Wedding Day!

St. Andrew's Cathedral
Today on July 25th, I, Eleanor of Aquitaine marry Prince Louis of France. We marry in the Cathedral of St. Andrew in Bordeaux France. Most bride's marry when their in their 20's, 18 or 19 year old brides are rare. I, however, am 15 when we marry. Louis is 17.

He is very good looking. With fair hair and bright, beautiful blue eyes. But he is very religious and does not appreciate the lifestyle we live here in Aquitaine. The lavish style of dress and elaborate feasting is foreign to him. Already I see that we won't see eye to eye on many things.

On the bright side. I am royalty now, a princess of France. And I will soon be journeying to Paris!!! Excitement abounds.

I am sorry that I will have to leave my beloved Aquitaine. The memory of my father's recent death still clouds my memory. But my sister is here with me still, the last living member of my immediate family. How I love her, my Petronilla, my friend. It really be difficult to say goodbye to my home, my Aquitaine. The troubadours and their songs will not liven up my days in France. Alas, the price of wedding a prince.

I will try to liven up Paris with tales of my homeland. Hopefully they will love me there and welcome me as their new princess. Hopefully Louis and I will be good co-rulers of Aquitaine and France.

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